
Showing posts from 2014


Welcome, This is the first post to my new blog, Archaeology Actually, which begins the fulfillment of one of my goals for 2015. The most significant of these goals is the submission of my Master of Arts thesis in Archaeology, which I am currently working on at the University of Otago in New Zealand. My current research is focused on determining the nature of cultural change along the the southern coast of Papua New Guinea from around 2000 years ago through to the period of European contact (more on this in future posts). The purpose of this blog is to share some of my experiences and insights along the way, not just related to my thesis study, but on topics relevant to archaeology and cultural heritage more generally. I hope to use this blog as a means of reflecting on my own learning. In line with my background, there will be a particular (but by no means exclusive!) focus on the Asia-Pacific region. As well as perhaps being of some interest to those currently in the field, it is