
Showing posts from May, 2015

Some Archaeology of Early Dunedin

Hi all,   It has been quite a busy last month for me, hence the lack of posts to this blog!   Part of the reason why I have been busy is that I am currently in the middle of a month of salvage or rescue archaeology work experience. Most nations of the world have some form of protective legislation related to cultural/archaeological heritage. As noted in a couple of my previous posts, the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 , which has recently replaced the Historic Places Act 1993, makes the modification or destruction of any archaeological site 1 in New Zealand unlawful unless an archaeological authority has first been obtained from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. As part of the planning process for the construction of new facilities for a local craft beer brewery in the city of Dunedin an archaeological authority was applied for due to the expected disturbance of late 19th century cultural material, as the site occupied land that was known to have been created dur