
Showing posts from May, 2016

Post-thesis life!

Kia ora, So ... yeah ... it has been a while since I've posted anything on this blog (Apparently 304 days!)   But I'd like to think I have a reasonable excuse. After two long years, another life chapter recently drew to a close with the submission of my Master of Arts thesis for examination: (OK, OK .... so it's actually a pretty poor excuse for 304 days of no blog posts!) Anyway, after thesis submission came the somewhat terrifying realisation that I now need to  find myself A JOB!!! On that note - while I do have a few leads in mind, if anyone reading this happens to have an archaeology job going do feel free to get in touch!!!  :-D  (if only it were that easy!) Around job hunting it's actually shaping up to be a pretty busy and exciting month ahead. After studying the archaeology of Papua New Guinea for the last three years I'll be heading over there in early June to participate in a two week excavation. More on this trip later. Although I had to pay